Monday, June 28, 2010

Chapters 9-12 Character Analysis By: Jessica Avilez

Chapter 9
Jonas feels alone now because he will get his training by himself. He also feels different because everybody is treating him different now, like he is special. Jonas is worried that he might fail like the earlier Receiver who failed, he wants to know what happen to her but his parents cannot tell him much other then she just disappeared. Jonas looks at his assignment and sees it is only one page with only a couple instructions, he can only go from school to home and to the old receiver, he can ask anybody he wants any question he wants, he cannot discuss his training or dreams with anybody and he can now lie. Jonas is thrown off guard when his told he can now lie, because he was also told that he cannot lie. Now he is wondering who is actually telling the truth, and if he asks other people if they can lie, he feels they will just lie.
Chapter 10
The old receiver is now the giver. The giver will transmit all of his memories of the past of the whole world to Jonas. The first memory the giver will give to Jonas is of going downhill fast on a sled through snow.
Jonas is confused because he did not know there were other people in the past. He also, did not know about hills or snow but is willing to learn because he knows that these memories are important because they will help him become wise and help shape the future.
Chapter 11
The Giver gives Jonas three memories first of the hills, snow and sledding, then sunlight and sunburn. As The Giver gives Jonas at the memories he loses the memories. The giver becomes lighter and tired after he gives Jonas the memories because he has to dig so far back in the past to give the memories to Jonas.
Jonas has all kinds of questions about the memories and also about what pain will he have to go throw.
Chapter 12
Jonas wants to know when that thing happens what is it, like when he was throwing the apple and it changed. He decided to ask the giver.
The Givers tells Jonas that the thing he is seeing is color. The Giver tells Jonas all about color and what happen to it. The giver also tells Jonas that as he gains more memories he will begin to see more colors. The Giver will then give him another memory of the rainbow.