Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chapters 17-23 Character Analysis By: Jessica Avilezj

Chapter 17
Jonas is beginning to become overwhelmed with feelings. Jonas is seeing colors for longer periods of time. Jonas feels distant from his friends because he cannot hang out with them or play their games with them.
Father is to decide which twin is to be released.
Chapter 18
Jonas wants to know what exactly does release mean. He is never allowed request a release but he knows all the memories.
The Giver is not allowed to request release either. The Giver cautions Jonas about him being released because all of his memories will be released to the community.
Chapter 19
Jonas wants to see the release of the twin baby. He is informed that he can watch it because he is Receiver of Memory. After watching the video of the baby being released Jonas becomes angry. He also, feels betrayed.
Chapter 21
Jonas leaves the community and begins breaking all the rules. He took food, is making decisions by himself, and ignoring the community. He took baby Gabriel with him because he does not want him to be released. He begins giving his memories to Gabriel again.
Gabriel is to be released.
Chapter 22
Jonas becomes hurt and injuries his leg. He also, becomes hungry and starts to wonder if he made the wrong choice by leaving, but knowing what would have happen to Gabriel, he knows he did the right thing. Jonas is worried that he will not be able to take care of Gabriel.
Gabriel is also hungry, but he is also cold and wet.
Chapter 23
Jonas hopes that sunshine and warmth will come soon because it is now snowing. Jonas does not have much strength left and wants to give up. Jonas keeps giving Jonas memories of warmth and sunshine to Gabriel.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Connections: Chapters 12-23

In the following chapters Jonas experiences normal feelings during puberty. Feelings of loneliness, feeling unloved, and feelings of rebellion. Jonas is forced to grow up faster then the other children his age, because he experiences memories that the others do not. When Jonas starts to see colors, he soon begins to think that maybe sameness is not a good thing. He wants to have the freedom to choose what color of tunic he wants to wear. This is the beginning of change for him. He starts to become an individual, and begins to see all that is wrong within the community.
When I was in middle school, I remember there was a little clique of girls that I liked to call "the followers." They all dressed the same, they acted the same, everything about them was the same. At lunch they liked to bully some of the kids, but one day things changed. One of the girls was different. She had finally seen that what they were doing was wrong, and she didnt want to follow them anymore.
This is what Jonas is starting to realize. Then, one afternoon Jonas goes home and asks his parents if they love him, they respond by saying that it is just a hollow word. This makes Jonas sad.
Children who are not told that they are loved turn out to have low self-esteems, and usually have social issues. Only few overcome this and have regular social lifes. I make it a point to tell my children everyday how much I love them. From the time of my earliest memory, until I was 12 I can remember my parents always saying, "I love you, good night, sweet dreams." But soon after, I guess my parents thought that I was to old to hear that, so they just stopped. Two years passed, and then my family had a serious change to our family. My parents seperated. That was when my parents forgot about our age and made it a point to tell us that they loved us again. It is not an everyday occurance, but we still know that we are loved. It seemed to me that once my family started expressing their love for one another, things became better. Jonas does not have this feeling of security and love.
Through out these chapters Jonas receives memories on various things, such as pain, cold, sunshine, and a rainbow. He copes with the difficult memories, and the Giver always ends their sessions on a pleasant note. Then one day, Jonas sees something that he does not want to remember. The "release" of a toddler. Jonas had always believed that "release" was a happy occasion, but this was far from that. The child is injected in it's soft spot and killed, but not with out releasing a blood chilling scream of pain. Jonas and the Giver now know what they must do. They scheme to release these memories to everyone else, and Jonas and Gabe will escape to "Elsewhere."
Honestly, I do not remember any memories of news reports or articles on child abuse or murder of a child until I was pregnant with my first child. I remember reading about a newborn baby girl that was about 12 hours old, and she was left on a country road to die cold and alone. To this day that story makes my stomach turn. Having a baby is a joyous occasion, but some cruel, numb, sick person just left this baby to die. The city gave the little girl a proper buriel, and named her Hope Medina. I remember wanting to go and put flowers on the grave, but I couldnt bring myself to go. Then a month later I had my little boy. Yes, it might seem grotesque to bring this up, but the way I felt reading that article I think is the way Jonas might have felt seeing the "release." It makes you want to have justice for these little ones who can not protect themselves, and Jonas' form of protection came as running away. He protects Gabe by taking him away from that terrible place. That terrible place of sameness, where they choose who can live and who can die. It is a struggle, but in the end the two boys make it to "Elsewhere." At this point, I concluded that they really were a part of a cult or sect. I really have no clue what that would be like, but my friend compared it to going to a catholic girl school and then being free to dress however she wanted in college. Now, I know this is not exactly the same, but I can see her point of view. She was always told what to do, what to wear, and where to be. Even on the weekends, her parents were very strict. Once she went to college she had the freedom to buy the clothes she wanted, and express herself as an individual.
The book ends with the hope that Jonas and Gabe find love and happiness "Elsewhere."

Chapters 13-16 Character Analysis By: Jessica Avilez

Chapter 13
Jonas is angry because he cannot see colors outside of his memories. Jonas also wants to share the color he sees with his friends and family. Jonas practices all his new memories he has on the days he cannot visit The Giver. Jonas takes some The Giver’s pain away.
Chapter 14
Jonas receives the memory of breaking his leg and starvation. Jonas also wants to share the memories with other people and wants to think of ways to convince people to accept the memories. Jonas becomes a Giver when he accidently gives Gabriel one of his memories. He does not want to tell anybody that this happen because he is not The Giver and Gabriel has not been chosen to be the Receiver.
The Giver begins giving Jonas more pain memories but always ends the day with a good memory. The Giver also tells Jonas that the memories will give him wisdom, which he will need to give good advice.
Chapter 15
The Giver is in pain.
Jonas asks to take the pain away from The Giver by taking the memory of it.
Chapter 16
Jonas does not want to be the Receiver anymore because of all the bad memories he is getting. Jonas has began talking to Gabriel as he sleeps, telling him everything he has been keeping inside him. Jonas tells Gabriel that things could be better. Jonas is beginning to look at the world differently.
The Giver is understanding to Jonas feelings about not wanting to be the Receiver anymore. The Giver tells Jonas that there are also good memories to tell him too. The Giver gives Jonas his favorite memory about Christmas.

Chapters 9-12 Character Analysis By: Jessica Avilez

Chapter 9
Jonas feels alone now because he will get his training by himself. He also feels different because everybody is treating him different now, like he is special. Jonas is worried that he might fail like the earlier Receiver who failed, he wants to know what happen to her but his parents cannot tell him much other then she just disappeared. Jonas looks at his assignment and sees it is only one page with only a couple instructions, he can only go from school to home and to the old receiver, he can ask anybody he wants any question he wants, he cannot discuss his training or dreams with anybody and he can now lie. Jonas is thrown off guard when his told he can now lie, because he was also told that he cannot lie. Now he is wondering who is actually telling the truth, and if he asks other people if they can lie, he feels they will just lie.
Chapter 10
The old receiver is now the giver. The giver will transmit all of his memories of the past of the whole world to Jonas. The first memory the giver will give to Jonas is of going downhill fast on a sled through snow.
Jonas is confused because he did not know there were other people in the past. He also, did not know about hills or snow but is willing to learn because he knows that these memories are important because they will help him become wise and help shape the future.
Chapter 11
The Giver gives Jonas three memories first of the hills, snow and sledding, then sunlight and sunburn. As The Giver gives Jonas at the memories he loses the memories. The giver becomes lighter and tired after he gives Jonas the memories because he has to dig so far back in the past to give the memories to Jonas.
Jonas has all kinds of questions about the memories and also about what pain will he have to go throw.
Chapter 12
Jonas wants to know when that thing happens what is it, like when he was throwing the apple and it changed. He decided to ask the giver.
The Givers tells Jonas that the thing he is seeing is color. The Giver tells Jonas all about color and what happen to it. The giver also tells Jonas that as he gains more memories he will begin to see more colors. The Giver will then give him another memory of the rainbow.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Word finder by Minerva Ontiveros Chapter 20-23

added to.

ditches that run parallel to roads.

without a noticeable result.

dullness of spirit; a lack of energy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Allison Lindsey- Chapter Summaries 20-23

Jonas refused to go home that night. How could he? Jonas and the Giver devised a plan to bring about the change they knew was needed. They would wait until the eve of the December celebrations and the Giver would order a car claiming he had official business to attend in another community. Hiding Jonas in the storage space in the car, Giver would help Jonas escape so the memories were forced upon the community members. This was the plan...no what happened. At breakfast the next morning Jonas' father told the family that Gabe was to be released the next morning and the HE had even voted for the release. Shocked and disgusted, Jonas knew he had to act or his sweet friend whom he had bonded over secretly passed he smemories would be gone forever. Jonas transmitted a soothing he had memory to Gabe so that while escaping he wouldn't alert anyone. Together the two embarked on a tiresome journey to Elsewhere, that he hoped existed. Travelling by night and sleeping by day the concept of time slipped as Jonas was unable to determine exactly how long they had been gone. The search planes were the scariest for the two. Jonas would send memories of cold to himself and Gabe so the heat sensors in the planes couldn't locate them. But the further he rode his father's stolen bicycle, the harder he had to work to pull the memories. This meant only one thing...the plan was working and the memories, which had been kept from the community were now being transfered to everyone. The palnes stopped searching for the two as time progressed and Jonas and Gabe experienced nature for the first time. They saw the wind blowing trees, they saw deer, and they saw birds! But harsher conditions soon began as winter approached. The two fugitives were constantly cold and hungry. A feeling neither had ever known before. The snow was relentless. It was bitter cold and Jonas had to dig deep within to pull forth memories of sunshine and warmth to send to the weak, starving, cold, uncomplaining child. After tiredly scaling a hill, Jonas reached for the rope of the sled he saw in his memories, he knew, somehow, and that it would be waiting for them. As the two settled on the sled and began their ride down Jonas saw lights. Christmas lights and love! He saw love and heard singing! Jonas knew that they had reached Elsewhere.

Word finder by Minerva Ontiveros Chapter 12-19

here, meaning transportation.

agitated or uneasy.

here, meaning discard or forget.


Genetic scientists
here, scientist who study human genes and attempt to eliminate differences, or unique characteristics, in people and in the environment.

common house or garden plants that have white, pink, or red flowers.

curving and supple


a conductor through which electric charge is passed.

powerfully exciting



here, meaning mutilated and bloody body.

exciting and pleasurable.

brightly lit.