Monday, June 28, 2010

Chapters 13-16 Character Analysis By: Jessica Avilez

Chapter 13
Jonas is angry because he cannot see colors outside of his memories. Jonas also wants to share the color he sees with his friends and family. Jonas practices all his new memories he has on the days he cannot visit The Giver. Jonas takes some The Giver’s pain away.
Chapter 14
Jonas receives the memory of breaking his leg and starvation. Jonas also wants to share the memories with other people and wants to think of ways to convince people to accept the memories. Jonas becomes a Giver when he accidently gives Gabriel one of his memories. He does not want to tell anybody that this happen because he is not The Giver and Gabriel has not been chosen to be the Receiver.
The Giver begins giving Jonas more pain memories but always ends the day with a good memory. The Giver also tells Jonas that the memories will give him wisdom, which he will need to give good advice.
Chapter 15
The Giver is in pain.
Jonas asks to take the pain away from The Giver by taking the memory of it.
Chapter 16
Jonas does not want to be the Receiver anymore because of all the bad memories he is getting. Jonas has began talking to Gabriel as he sleeps, telling him everything he has been keeping inside him. Jonas tells Gabriel that things could be better. Jonas is beginning to look at the world differently.
The Giver is understanding to Jonas feelings about not wanting to be the Receiver anymore. The Giver tells Jonas that there are also good memories to tell him too. The Giver gives Jonas his favorite memory about Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I think Jonas requesting to alleviate the Giver's pain by taking some of the more painful memories from him illustrates his strength and courage. Something someone holding the entire world's memories should possess.
